Sunday, September 27, 2009

a good weekend...

Hey everyone!♥
This weekend was reallyyyy really good because we went to Albi for the day, so I thought I'd tell you all about it! So Friday night my host family invited 2 familes over for dinner and that was really good. We ate pizza for dinner and icecream :)♥
The next day I went and got my hair cut and now it's really short!!! arghhh which freaks me out a bit but anyways... then I went with my host family to a library in Toulouse thats like 3 levels and is insanely big! You can watch a movie there, hire books, dvds, cds.. they seriously have like everything. Just the first floor is filled with childrens books and they even had tiny computers with little chairs that kids that looked around 2 or 3 years old were playing on!!! The best part was, was that everything was in french! Which I loved.....! Then after that we went shopping in St Claires which was fun also. I bought a perfume and some tights :) On Sunday
we went to a famous town called Albi with another family, which is about 1 hour away from where I live. It was soooooooo beautiful at first we went to this cathedral
which was sooo pretty and then we went for a walk all along this area. We went to a beautiful look out area with this amazingly pretty garden and views of the water, old bridges and houses. We ate afternoon tea there and the weather was just perfect. Next we went to Albi Cathedral which was designed to be a fortress in Cathar Country. Construction on the Cathedral began in 1282 under the direction of Bernard de Castanet (1277-1307), who was Bishop of Albi and Chief Inquisitor. Construction was mostly done by 1383, but was not fully complete until 1492. The Albi Catherdral was just magnificent and is probarbly the most amazing Cathedral I have ever seen in my life. And to just begin to describe it, you can't. You must see it for real to experience its true beauty. Anyways I better go and get ready for school! Have a good day!♥ Au revoir, love always Laura xoxo

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