Tuesday, December 15, 2009

6 short random facts about my life in france!

Hey everyone :)
I know I've already done a post for today but I thought I'd do this one anyways ! :D

1. The French seem to eat Nutella with EVERYTHING! Crepes, bread, waffles, you name it they'll eat it ! I swear my host brother would eat it all the time if he could...

2. Like ALL of my teachers have insanely messy handwriting ! :( It's so annoying because when you don't know the words you just write down what you think it is.. it's NEVER right I swear, like sometimes the kids in my class take my work and are like wtf were you thinking?! It's just so hard !

3. OUI it's true they kiss people twice on the cheek when greeting each other.. at the start it was so weird.. you know randoms coming up to you and kissing you on both cheeks and being like " Salut, ca va" and you have no idea who they are but they are being friendly so you're like "oui, bien merci et toi" but now it feel so normal! Although I miss hugs soooooooooooooooooooooo much! If you think about it AUSTRALIANS HUG like a full on hug now that kinda seems weird..

4. Alors, donc and volia they will never stop saying.. I swear even if you paid them!

5. Something that really freaks me out about some of the kids at my school.. after they go to the toilet they don't wash their hands! And sometimes they go eat afterwards... yuck! Sorry that is seriously disgusting!

6. They eat BIG meals whereas we snack, beaucoup. They have a smallish breakfast, big lunch and normally a big dinner too..And normally with their meals they have a starter then the main then a bread roll then cheese then dessert so it's like..wow I'm so full and I've only at the starter.

Désolé, mais c'est tout ce que je pouvais imaginer.
Je vous écrirai à nouveau bientôt.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

zap bob pop electric shock! NEIGE ! NEIGE! NEIGE!

Hio everyone :)
These last few weeks have been amazinggggg !
Last Thursday the New Zealand exchange student, the other Australian exchange student and I didn't go to school and instead went to Toulouse :D Best day ever! Falling down stairs, eating maccas for breakfast, taking hundreds of photos, meeting Usher, getting lost and getting a guy do draw us a map, eating HEAPS of real good food, watching angry teenagers protest :O, revisiting the shop where I got my wallet stolen and buying the boots! It was just a really really good day. :) Last weekend I went to Toulouse with some girls from school and we went to the new H & M- soooooo good! I bought a bag from there and these little white shoes from another shop called i ♥ mode.. i think its called that... haha :) anyways Toulouse is so pretty right now because it's all decorated and everything for Christmas and they put those white icycule lights(no idea how to spell that) on the capital building! The Christmas market there is pretty cool too and so pretty at night. OMG on Monday the most amazing thing happened it SNOWEDDDDDDDDD! Yeahh like it was falling from the sky :O Most beautiful thing ever.. I was like in class and it just started !!! Unfortunately not again today but Thursday hopefully yes! I REALLY hope though that it actually snows like HEAPS so then the ground will be like snow! Wouldn't that be awesome.. because Monday it was just falling a little.. but still amazing! 3 more days left of school before Christmas holidays! YEAH! I miss Australia soooo much I'm so excited to go back in Jan. Tomorrow after school I'm going with the other exchangerrrrs and some friends I'm going to eat at le claire :) MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! Love Laura xo.